Headquarters Strategic Plan
The staff of the National Headquarters for Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma understands the importance in developing a plan to link our improvement efforts to those Strategic Plans of the Fraternity and Sorority. Our Strategic Plan documents our purpose and commitment to better serve both organizations and to continually seek new and better methods to succeed in the pursuit of our mission.
Dedicated to becoming the best service provider for fraternal music organizations based on optimum capabilities, responsiveness, innovation, and a commitment to continuous improvement.
With a commitment to unity and teamwork, the National Headquarters Staff of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma provides comprehensive support for all members, the National Alumni Association, the National Councils, and the Boards of Trustees through membership, chapter and marketing services; public relations initiatives; financial and publications management, administrative support and national event planning.
Excellence in Service for Excellence in Bands
- Commitment to fair representation for both Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma at all levels.
- Honest stewardship of all resources.
- Integrity at all times.
- The best possible service always.
- Commitment to continuous improvement. We are committed to treating those we serve and
those with whom we work with dignity and respect.
- Create a comprehensive National Headquarters Policy and Operations structure.
- Create CFR Handbooks.
- Revise Personnel Policies/Procedures Handbook.
- Develop core business processes and activities maps with narrative and supporting documentation.
- Create National Headquarters Handbook.
- Create a system of continuous improvement.
- Define components of the system.
- Create components of the system.
- Expand use of technology.
- Obtain/create automated system for tracking significant events/reports/requirements
- Improve staffing of the National Headquarters.
- Create a change management planning model for the National Headquarters.
- Research and identify models in other similar organizations.
- Identify software for possible use.
- Define components of the National Headquarters Planning Model.
- Select best options to adopt for the National Headquarters Planning Model.
- Improve organization of archival services.
- Create regular filing schedule for current biennium.
- Reorganize the National Archives.
- Expand Master Rosters.
- Upgrade computer capability of Member Databases.